

Vertigo is the false sensation that you are spinning or that inside of your head is spinning. It is usually triggered by sudden head movements.

Vertigo is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying health cause. It can make one feel dizzy and off-balance. The signs and symptoms of vertigo can come and go, lasting for varying periods of time. Vertigo is generally caused by problems of the inner ear. A viral infection, head or neck injury, build-up of fluid inside the ear and some medications can cause vertigo. An ENT doctor will help diagnose and treat the underlying cause in the most effective way and find a treatment plan suitable to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any defect in the balance system of the body resulting in vertigo or unsteadiness or imbalance will affect the day-to-day activities of the sufferer and diminish the quality of life. Fear of falling or movement can subject one to become sedentary. If vertigo is the result of a health complication you’re not treating, vertigo symptoms may become worse.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common cause of vertigo, or false sense of spinning. Its each word describes the condition: 

  • Benign: It is not life-threatening even if symptoms feel intense.
  • Paroxysmal: It comes in sudden, short spells.
  • Positional: Certain head movements/positions can trigger a spells.
  • Vertigo: Feeling of oneself or the surroundings spinning.

Vertigo may occur before the onset of a headache, during a headache or during a headache-free period. It should be noted, though, that some people have vertigo as their main migraine symptom instead of a headache.